Wer wir sind
Die Viadrina Consulting Group e.V. (VCG) ist die studentische Unternehmensberatung der Europa-Universität Viadrina.
Wir sind engagierte Studenten aus verschiedenen Fakultäten, die unser Studium durch zusätzliche Praxiserfahrungen bereichern wollen.
In unseren Beratungsprojekten entwickeln wir individuelle, nachhaltige Lösungen, die zu den spezifischen Problemen und Herausforderungen unserer Kunden passen.
Seit unserer Gründung 2002 haben wir bereits zahlreiche Projekte bearbeitet.
Vom Kleinunternehmer bis zum internationalen Konzern, von der Aufstellung einer Einnahmen-Überschuss Rechnung bis hin zu Erstellung eines Internetauftritts inklusive Marketingstrategie. Unsere Kunden können sich stets auf die Qualität unserer Arbeit verlassen.
Unsere Expertise
Marketing & Vertrieb
Webdesign & IT
Unsere Referenzen
Cooperation with the project team of Viadrina Consulting Group was characterised by excellent communication, trustworthiness and professionalism. We have very much appreciated the unique analytic perspective of the VCG team as well as their outstanding ability to connect and communicate with our target group to derive new interesting insights into the effectiveness of our marketing strategy.

Europa-Universität Viadrina
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
The members of the Viadrina Consulting Group e.V., with whom we have already worked on several projects, have always been able to convince us with their performance, even in research across national borders. The professionalism is on a very high level for students, which is why we will continue the cooperation with the Viadrina Consulting Group e.V. in the future and can only recommend it to other companies.

The work done by the project team was extremely professional in all areas and provided valuable information about new marketing opportunities for our services. We were particularly impressed by the outstanding quality of our collaboration at all times and the refreshing way in which the international team worked. We found the cooperation enriching in every aspect.

Total Deutschland GmbH
The cooperation with the members of the student association went very well. The tasks taken on were always completed on time and successfully. Theses included the preparation of press releases, the creation of texr modules for the website and the kick-off brochure, the recruitment of ambassadors for the project, the appraching of companies, and the development of the project‘s website […]. We would like to thank the Viadrina Consulting Group e.V. for their voluntary commitment and professional support in the past months and would be very pleased about further cooperation.

In the summer of 2019, a team from Viadrina Consulting Group created a homepage for the Chair of Accounting and Controlling (Prof. Dr. Sonja Wüstemann) to market their research initiative RISPA (Research Initiative for Puplic Sector Accounting). In addition, the team developed a guide on how to market the initiative on various social networks. The collaboration with the members of the student association went very well. The tasks taken on were always completed on time and successfully. These included the preparation of press releases, the creation of text modules for the website and the launch brochure, the recruitment of ambassadors for the project, the approaching of companies, and the development of a website.

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